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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Introduction of stories

Storytelling is a very important activity than can be carried out children's classes. Many stories illustrate how ethical and moral principles can be applied. Other stories show the rewards for good deeds and the consequences of undesirable behavior.

Children have the capacity to understand moral behaviour. This colourful, new blog retalls a select collection of moral stories.They will help your child to identify good and bad, the feeble and strong, kindness and greed, and learn in the process. When parents recite stories, in this volume, to their children, or ask them to read them, everyone's moral intelligence grows.

Moral values play dominant role in moulding the attitude and approaches of children in their life. Therefore, implanting these values in the minds of the children is vital and it is easily possible if told through stories interestingly and attractively. In this direction, we have given sample of 9 moral values at left clicking on which you will be taken to the story explaining the importance and usefulness of the moral value.

However, if you're convinced of this type of application of mind to be very useful in bringing up the children with good morality.


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